Plate Options
Blank trailer novelty number plate with no text and border same as plate colour
Blank trailer novelty number plate with no text and border colour
Custom trailer novelty number plate with text
Blank Trailer Novelty Number Plates (25.3cm x 10cm)
Trailer Custom Novelty Number Plate With Text (25.3cm x 10cm)
Character sizes
Medium 6cm – up to 4 characters maximum
Small 5cm – up to 7 characters maximum
Plate Details
Characters are all in capital letters only and can be either alpa or numeric.
Character sizes.
For a space, either type the word ‘(space)’ or just the closed brackets ()
For a diamond either type the word ‘(diamond)’ or just type the star symbol “*”
For a dash, either type the word ‘(dash)’ or the dash symbol ‘-‘
For a dot/full stop, either type the word ‘(full stop)’ or just the full stop symbol ‘.’
For a hash tag, either type in the word ‘(hash tag)’ or just the hash tag symbol #
For a and symbol, either type in the word ‘(and)’ or just the and symbol &
For an apostrophe symbol, either type in the word ‘(apostrophe)’ or just the apostrophe symbol ‘
For an at symbol, either type in the word ‘(at)’ or just the at symbol @
Placement of symbols as per image:
Diamond (◊), #, @, &, – are centrally positioned in the character line.
Full stop (.) is positioned at the bottom of the character line
Apostrophe at the top of the character line.
Spaces, diamond, and all symbols count as character
Colours And Colour Variances
Plates are for novelty use only and are not to be displayed as legalised plates and heavy penalties will apply for misuse.
The factory will not process any state identifiers, nor replicate any government issue plates. The following combinations 2 or 3 alpha characters / 2 or 3 numeric characters are not allowed.
However, plates in the above formats which are to be used for advertising, media production, car show or memorabilia purposes will require a written ‘declaration of purpose’ from the customer stating that they are the final end user/customer for the novelty number plate and acknowledging that the combination of characters is similar to those used on state registered motor vehicles, and declaring that it will not be permanently fixed to a car.
Material And Design
Same size as official Australian number plates
Made from high quality Aluminium
Rounded corners
Embossed lettering and border
Pre-drilled mounting holes
Manufacturing And Delivery Times
Orders take no longer than 3 days to manufacture but sometimes it may take longer. If there are any delays we will keep you posted.
Delivery times usually vary between 5-10 days but please allow up to 14 days.